Chapter XV Special Procedure Section 1 General Provisions 第十五章特别程序第一节一般规定
Section 1 General Provisions 第一节一般规定
CHAPTER XX General Provisions 第二十章一般规定
PART THREE PROCEDURE OF EXECUTION Chapter XX General Provisions 第三编执行程序第二十章一般规定
The General Provisions of Anti-monopoly law: China's Interpretation to Article 4 of the Anti-monopoly Law 反垄断法的一般条款解读&中国反垄断法第4条释义
While the law contains some protectionist oddities – such as the exemption for certain state-owned industries and the national security clearance rule mentioned above – its general provisions make no distinction between foreign and domestic enterprises. 尽管该法律中包含一些保护主义成分例如对某些国有行业的豁免以及上面提到的国家安全审查规定但其总体条款并未对外资企业和国内企业加以区分。
Apart from these general provisions, the amendments also contain a series of complex provisions relating specifically to ozone, nox, co, and particulates. 除了这些总则之外,修正案还包含一系列复杂的条款。这些条款都具体地与臭氧、氮氧化物、一氧化碳和颗粒物有关。
Drawings for metal hull of ships& General provisions GB/T4476.1-1984金属船体制图一般规定
Part I General Provisions and basic principles 第一部分总条款与基本原则
In this connection, it is worth noting some changes in the general provisions governing plan revisions. 在这个联系中,值得注意的是有关计划修正总则的变更。
The "regulations" mean the relative general provisions on one aspect of the administrative works or the social life. “条例”是对某一方面的行政管理或社会生活作比较全面的规定。
General provisions for adoption, designation and substitution of archipelagic sea lanes, draft; 群岛海道的采纳、指定和替换规定草案;
This would be likely to take the form of the general provisions for all property loans being raised from 7 per cent to 30 per cent, with those banks that cannot afford this being granted a form of state-backed guarantee for which the state would charge them. 这可能采取将所有房地产贷款的一般拨备率从7%提高至30%的形式,那些无法负担的银行将得到某种形式的政府担保政府将为此收费。
In case of extending auto loans to a legal entity or other organizations, an auto financing company shall observe relevant rules set out by General Provisions of Loans and other regulations. 向法人或其他组织发放汽车贷款应遵守《贷款通则》等有关规定的要求。
In China, labor disputes on the allocation of the burden of proof in a more general provisions, the practice is not conducive to the specific operation. 而我国对劳动争议的举证责任分配问题规定得较为笼统,不利于具体的实务操作。
On the Perfection in the Specific Provisions of Criminal Law& In perspective of the reasoning relation between general provisions and specific provisions; On Relationship between Norm of Administrative Criminal Law and Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime 论我国刑法分则规范的完善&以总分则之关系的合理定位为切入点论行政刑法规范的适用与罪刑法定原则
Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS 中华人民共和国矿产资源法第一章总则
On Tort Liability of Legal Agent& Also A Discussion on the Perfection of Article 133 of "General Provisions of the Civil Law" 论法定代理人的侵权责任&兼谈《民法通则》第一百三十三条之完善
2.1 general provisions company shall employ senior executive in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, and senior executive agrees to act as chief operations officer of company as required by the terms and conditions of this agreement. 2.1一般规定公司兹按照本协议条款和条件聘用高管,且高管同意按照本协议条款和条件担任公司首席运营官。
Improving the General Provisions in China's Anti-Unfair Competition Law 浅析我国反不正当竞争法一般条款的完善
In latter issue, it is the most important point for general provisions about liability for tort while disputed. 在后一个问题中,有关侵权责任一般条款的规定更是争论的重中之重。
It has promulgated and put into effect a series of major laws, including the Constitution, the Criminal Law, the Law of Criminal Procedure, the General Provisions of the Civil Law, the Law of Civil Procedure and the Law of Administrative Procedure. 颁布和实施了宪法、刑法、刑事诉讼法、民法通则、民事诉讼法、行政诉讼法等一系列重要法律。
This enterprise bankruptcy law is composed of six chapters including general provisions, the presentation and acceptance of a bankruptey petition, a creditors meeting, composition and reorganization, bankruptcy declaration and bankruptcy liquidation, and supplementary provisions. 这部《企业破产法》有六章,它们是:总则,破产申请的提出和受理,债权人会议,和解和整顿,破产宣告和破产清算以及附则。
If the general provisions is conflicting with the technical specification, the regulations in the latter shall prevail. 总则与技术规格书矛盾时,以技术规格书的规定为准。
Now, with the entry into force, countries Party to the WHO FCTC are bound to translate its general provisions into national laws and regulations. 现在,随着世卫组织烟草控制框架公约的生效,公约缔约国必须将公约的一般性条款化为本国的法律和条例。
Chapter I: General Provisions, established the basic purpose of the Marriage Law and the five principles. 第一章:总则,确立了婚姻法的基本宗旨和五项原则。
The general provisions of Regulation ( EEC) No2309/ 93 relating to the Committee for Human Medicinal Products shall apply by analogy to the Committee for Herbal Medicinal Products. 共同体2309/3号指令中关于人用药品委员会的一般条款将同样适用于草药产品。
This part also mentions the general provisions, enforcement, and dispute settlement. 此外,本章也提及了协议中的一般规定、实施以及争端解决条款。
Moreover, many of the general provisions of tax and AMT have also resulted in fairness and efficiency issues. 同时,一般税收和AMT的诸多规定还产生了公平性和效率方面的问题。
Specific export credit insurance system should include the general provisions of the insurance contract, rights and obligations. 具体应包括出口信用保险制度的一般规定,保险合同的订立,保险双方的权力和义务,法律纠纷的解决等。